Sunday, August 8, 2010


Sustainable Sydney 2030 is a plan for the sustainable development of the City for the next 20 years and beyond. Sustainable development refers to the physical environment as well as the City's economy, society and cultures. We are addressing each with bold ideas and good governance. The results mean better outcomes now and in the future.

The Sustainable Sydney 2030 Vision is for a Green, Global, and Connected City.

  • GREEN with a minimal environmental impact, green with trees, parks, gardens and linked open spaces, green by example and green by reputation.
  • GLOBAL in economic orientation, global in links and knowledge exchange, global and open-minded in outlook and attitude.

  • CONNECTED physically by walking, cycling and high quality public transport, connected ‘virtually’ by world–class telecommunications, connected to communities through a sense of belonging and social well being, and connected to other spheres of government and to those with an interest in the City.

ABOVE: The 2030 Sustainable Sydney Logo.

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